
Welcome to Frankie connects dots where all my passions meet and connect. I’m Elke, a.k.a. Frankie. My journey so far has taken me from being a professional dancer to a fitness trainer and master herbalist. Although I live in the city, I adore being in nature; it’s something I couldn’t live without. I have learned that one of my natural talents is connecting with people. My aim is to assist you in reconnecting with nature and to connect more with your body. I organise small-group workshops on a variety of themes and hope to welcome you to one of them. Let’s get creative, connecting head, heart and hands.  

Have you already seen my "fitness and dance" page?

The Frankie manifesto

Be a maker, 🧵
in Rain and Sunshine ☀️
📖 Read and be Idle
Love Plants & Herbs🌿
💃 Dance and Smile
Laugh & Cry 🫂
Enjoy the company of Cats and Dogs 🐕
☕️ When needed, have a cup of Tea
Enjoy small Treasures & Big Pleasures
Listen to the Birds🐦
Be Bold, yet Humble 🛡️
🤸‍♀️ Love your body
🍏Eat well and “planty”
Lift weights, do squats, go on walks 🏋️‍♀️
🌬️Feel the wind 
Empower and Heal yourself 👩‍⚕️
🫁Breathe & Stretch
Be kind ❤️
Connect head, heart and hands 👐


P.S. Plant a tree 🌳